Monday: Turbokickboxing (TKB)
I usually take this class at one gym, but they changed the schedule to a class I didn't like (Body Attack? Pffft...). TKB is pretty similar from one gym to another, so I enjoyed myself. Training for the Half Moon Bay Half Marathon starts next week, so I'm not sure when I'll make it back to this class. Gah.
Tuesday: Run + Yoga
I'm preparing for training to start, so I programmed a speed workout into my Garmin to test it. I've never actually done formal speedwork (other than the occasional set of Fartleks or Tempo runs) and it went better than expected.
I'm going to follow a 3-day/week plan from Runner's World and calculated the splits I would have to hit for 400s, 800s, and 1600s. I'm a little skeptical because I'm aiming for something much more conservative than my half marathon PR and still didn't hit the splits. I don't think my legs are even capable of running as fast as they're indicating. Anyway, I did my best and have a base for comparison as I move forward.
I did 4 x 400s with 2 minutes recovery jog between intervals (plus 20 minutes of easy running as a warm-up and a little over 10 minutes jogging as a cooldown). Total mileage was 4.19. Here are the splits: 9:57, 9:40, 9:37, 9:38.
I also did 30 minutes of yoga from my iPhone app.
Wednesday: Rest
I was exhausted this morning and slept in until 6:30. I'm at work all day and then have to go home to get my car to drive to Berkeley for a class from 7-9, so today's going to be rest.
Thursday: Strength Training/Run
I know it's not Thursday yet, but I'm planning to go to Strength Training class at the gym after work. However, I might go to Gentle Yoga class. I'll see how I feel. I also want to try to fit in a Tempo run. Maybe before work? I'm always afraid I'll trip in the dark though...
Friday: TBD
I have plans on Friday after work, so any workout would need to be done before work. I don't want to run since I have a long run on Saturday morning. I might get up and do Zumba for the Wii. (Don't's intense!)
Saturday: Long Run (8 miles?)
I'm kind of winging it on the long runs. Next week is definitely 6 miles based on my schedule.
Sunday: Recovery Run/Yoga
I'm going up to Sonoma for wine tasting on Sunday, so I might just do an early recovery run and a little yoga.
I guess that's it for now. I've been listening to the new Pet Shop Boys album (are they still called albums?) on Spotify since it came out yesterday, so it'll accompany me on all my runs!
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